Work With Hillary
We’re big believers in relationship based dog training when it comes to helping dogs with expressing their feelings. It doesn’t matter where you are. In fact, when it comes to challenging and complex dogs, the relationship and trust the dog has with the parent is critical in rehabilitating and problem solving. What you really need is a guide. That’s where we come in.
But How Do They Feel?
Big Feelings, Big Reactions
Dogs who have big feelings about their environment often struggle with how to express their concerns. We focus on building an appropriate way to express those emotions. Hillary‘s area of expertise focuses on helping dogs and their parents understand where those challenges are and find new ways of communicating them.
Hillary’s training philosophy focuses on identifying the feelings behind the behaviors. She will help you learn to communicate with your dog in a way that allows them to be a part of the conversation. Communication doesn't have to mean intensity or commands. It has just as much power when you kindly guide your dog towards the state of mind you're trying to cultivate. It’s through this process that your dialogue can help the dog learn how to trust, process their environment and feel safe, and watch the challenging behaviors melt away.
Areas of expertise
Every dog needs a creative and personal approach that spins the dials away from impulsive responses, and towards problem solving and stability. Hillary’s work specializes in working with dogs who struggle with feelings that often manifest as:
Impulse control
Hillary is now also opening up her home to help people learn from a dog who has gone through the process. Students are coming here to learn how to be effective and humane pet parents and handlers. Piece by piece they develop a sense of the world through the dog's eyes. They become skilled, they become tactile and strategic. But most of all, they learn how to develop a dialogue that allows the dog to be a part of the conversation.
Need Hillary’s Help?
Hillary is available as a private behavior consultant. Whether you’re a shelter or a private pet parent, help is available for more complex and difficult to manage behavior problems.